How Recovering from Hernia Repair Surgery? No matter the surgery’s commonplace, there are always concerns and questions; regardless of where the hernia is, if surgery is required, you should know what to expect during the healing process.
You will receive complete discharge information at Sunshine Surgical Hospital in Ahmedabad when you are released to go home. Knowing what to expect before surgery can help you prepare for your home and downtime.
Keep in mind that everyone experiences healing differently. If you experience severe discomfort or soreness, slow down and take breaks as necessary. You can anticipate considerably varied recovery timeframes depending on the general type of surgery you underwent—open vs minimally invasive. Laparoscopic operations will enable a significantly accelerated return to regular activity and a much shorter recovery period.
However, as everyone is different, your recovery will ultimately be specific to you. After a hernia repair, most people heal very quickly, although a small percentage may experience discomfort for several weeks.
Immediately following the surgery.
Depending on your treatment (open or laparoscopic), your immediate postoperative pain will either be incisional or diffuse (across your belly).
In the case of an open procedure, there is likely to be pain around and within the wound. That will be at its worst after the treatment and gradually improve over the following few weeks. By 4-6 weeks after surgery, you should be back to normal, with only the occasional soreness with particular motions.
Laparoscopic surgeries require small and inconspicuous incisions. The area is, therefore, very painless. Insufflation gas used during the procedure causes distension of the abdominal wall muscles, which will be the primary source of pain after the surgery.
A giant charlie horse will feel like it’s riding over your abdomen. Patients can return to most of their regular activities within 1-2 weeks after surgery, though it will be uncomfortable for the first 24 to 48 hours.
Having sex again
As soon as you engage in sexual activity without experiencing pain, which could take anywhere from a few days and a few weeks, depending on the location of your hernia and the type of surgery you underwent, you can usually resume your normal sex life. There is no medical need to restrict this, despite the possibility of discomfort, unless you’re worried about jeopardising your surgical repair. Your recovery period depends greatly on whether you had an open or a minimally invasive hernia repair, as is the case with any activities after surgery.
Returning to work
As general anaesthesia is used for most of these procedures, you should plan on taking at least a few days off work after surgery. That is because, despite having undergone anaesthesia before, you never know with certainty how your body will react each time. Be ready because some people may have after-effects of anaesthetic for 24 to 48 hours.
As general anaesthesia is used for most of these procedures, you should plan on taking at least a few days off work after surgery. That is because, despite having undergone anaesthesia before, you never know with certainty how your body will react each time. Be ready because some people may have after-effects of anaesthetic for 24 to 48 hours.
If you’ve had open surgery, your surgeon might impose stricter restrictions on your ability to return to work, so talk to the person who performs your operation about this.
Full return to activity
You generally won’t have any lifting restrictions by week two following laparoscopic surgery and week five after open surgery. Even if there are no precise restrictions, you could discover that some activities continue to make you uncomfortable for a little while longer. You should notice that these discomforts occur less frequently as time passes following surgery.
What to Expect During Hernia Mesh Surgery Recovery
Before you may resume your normal activities after hernia mesh surgery, it might take a few weeks. Most patients leave the hospital within a few hours of the procedure, albeit the duration of stay is largely influenced by the difficulty of the surgery. For the first week of your rehabilitation, doctors will advise you to avoid lifting heavy objects or performing demanding duties.
Travel after hernia surgery
For six months, lifting large objects will be prohibited. After six weeks, long-distance travel is typically allowed. The surgeon will determine the patient’s surgical recovery and suitability for travel.
You should not hesitate to call your surgeon to address any worries you may have or if you feel your recovery is taking longer than you think it should.
Before or after your hernia surgery, we are here to answer any questions you may have. Please do not hesitate to call or use our website to schedule a consultation with our skilled hernia surgeon in Ahmedabad.